School Attendance Dues
Term Two Attendance Dues should now be paid in full.
Please pay your account in full at the beginning of each term, or by regular automatic payments into our account: ASB 12-3023-0338374-01 ref: student’s name
We would like all 2024 Attendance Dues to be paid in full before 30 November.
The Catholic Character Contribution is a voluntary contribution forwarded to the Catholic Education Services Board. The St Joseph’s Development Trust Contribution is a voluntary contribution which the Trust is extremely grateful to receive. This is used in our school for improvements to our site and facilities. Both of these voluntary contributions are tax deductible.
Term 3 Learning Conversations
During weeks 4 & 5, if you have any questions about your child’s learning progress, you have the opportunity to book in a conference with your child’s kaitiaki/teacher. Alternatively, teacher’s will be contacting any parents they would like to speak with.
These conferences are by request of the parent or teacher. Some parents already keep in regular contact with their child’s teacher and may not require a set meeting at this time. These can either be face to face, through Zoom or Google Meets, or a phone call – whatever works best for you.
If you would like to request an appointment, please directly message or email your child’s teacher to arrange a time to meet/talk. Remember you can make an appointment to see your child’s teacher at any time, however, we have staff/team meetings after school on Monday and Tuesdays, so those times are unavailable. Remember to bring your child with you to be part of this learning conversation.
Pasifika Speeches
Pasifika Speeches are coming up in Week 5 on Thursday 22nd August. We have both bilingual (30% native language 70% English) and full native language categories. If you have any questions please email Mrs Waru –
Second-Hand Uniforms
The second-hand uniform shop is open on Mondays and Thursdays 2:30-3:00 pm.

Internet Safety Parent and Caregiver Workshop
Internet Health and Wellbeing- raising resilient capable children
Cybercrime is a very real issue facing families in NZ, but there are easy practical steps to reduce the risk. We invite parents and caregivers to a presentation on the issues associated with the inappropriate use of computers, mobile phones and the internet. This invaluable presentation is led by John Parsons (, a leading authority in New Zealand on Safeguarding children online.
Some of the areas covered:
– Identifies the specific challenges children face when using ICT
– Includes guidance on behaviour management processes for parents in the practical situations they will face.
– This workshop empowers parents to take responsibility for safeguarding their children
– Parents leave with the tools to support their children to use ICT safely and ethically at home
and at school
Date: Tuesday August 13
Time: 6-7pm
Venue: St Ignatius of Loyola Catholic College
If you would like to attend please complete the form below : Click here to register